Wednesday 16th March 2022, 12:00 – 1.00pm
Chair: Jane Thomas, South West Contact Centre Forum and Call North West
In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to build team spirit and make your homeworkers more productive:
- What leadership techniques and activities will help glue together homeworking and hybrid communities?
- What are the different ways a Team Leader can encourage their team to engage socially?
- How does a Team Leader motivate their team on a day-to-day basis?
- How can you have a flexible ‘choose your own hours ‘ approach and still meet inbound demand?
- What communication methods can you use in a virtual workplace (e.g. for process changes, account engagement or general updates) and how do you follow-up to ensure comms have landed?
- What are your top 3 suggestions to build spirit and create togetherness when people live all across the UK?