Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to work-from-home.
For some people it is because they can’t hold down a normal 9 to 5 office job, for others it is because they prefer to work from home. There is no such thing as a ‘typical’ homeworker.
At Sensée, we count amongst our numbers ….. working mums, carers for elderly relatives, people who live with a disability, others who live in remote rural areas, and people who simply prefer the convenience and benefits of homeworking.
In this guide we give 20 tips to help you get a better work-life
balance regardless of your reasons for homeworking. Here are a few of them:
1. Work the hours that suit
2. Ensure your IT equipment is up to scratch
3. Communication is vital to combat isolation so make sure you stay in touch!
4. Get into a regular daily routine
5. Keep distractions to a minimum
6. Find yourself a dedicated workspace
To read the rest of our 20 tips, please view our Work-Life Balance eBook