Date: 18th February 2021
Time: 10am to 11.30am
Chair: Sandra Busby, Chair, Welsh Contact Centre Forum
Are you having problems with absenteeism and attrition? Engagement and productivity? People isolation and motivation? Team Leader and adviser training? Worried that these problems are getting worse rather than going away?
You’re not alone. In a recent study of over 100 of the UK’s largest businesses, 74% said they thought that ‘communicating effectively with homeworkers’ would be just as big a problem in 2021 as it was in 2020, while 66% thought similarly about ‘employee engagement/motivation’.
In this online workshop, we examine what communications systems & processes are necessary to create an effective work-from-home (WFH) environment. The workshop will cover:
- The Recruitment, On-Boarding and Induction Training Process
- General WFH Communications (Team Leader-to-Adviser, Adviser-to-Adviser, Corporate Comms etc.)
- The Resource Scheduling Process
- WFH Communications Security and Compliance
10.00 – 10.05: Introductions and agenda (Sandra Busby, WCCF)
10.05 – 10.20: The benefits of homeworking (Mark Walton, Sensée)
10.20 – 10.40: Demo: Building a WFH Comms System that’s Fit-for-Purpose (Steve Mosser, Sensée)
10.40 – 11.30: Question and Answer session (Sandra Busby, WCCF: Mark Walton, Sensée; Steve Mosser, Sensée)
To register your attendance simply send your name, email, company and job title to Lucinda Butler at the Welsh Contact Centre Forum
Lucinda will send a Zoom link and joining instructions to registrants a week before the online workshop.