THURSDAY JAN 12TH, 12 – 13.00PM
Chair: Jane Thomas, South West Contact Centre Forum
With the Government recently rubber-stamping proposals to give employees a greater say in selecting their own work arrangements, the Flexible Working Bill is set to make its way onto the statute books.
So what will the proposed Flexible Working Act mean for you?
In this webinar we’ll look at the legal and practical implications of the proposed new law, as well as other important considerations when building an effective hybrid workforce.
• What will organisations need to consider when reviewing a flexible work request?
• What different flavours of ‘flexible working’ are there?
• Important homeworker health and safety considerations
• Looking after the well-being of remote workers
• Building a strong cultural identity amongst home and hybrid workers
• Managing hybrid teams
Jane Thomas will be joined by specialists from home and hybrid workplace company Sensée and employment lawyers Kilgannon & Partners LLP.